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Cloud Adapter

Supports cloud connections to upload and download data.

import * as ds from "@devicescript/core"

const client = new ds.MQTTClient()


uploadJson(topic:string, json:string)

Upload a JSON-encoded message to the cloud.

import * as ds from "@devicescript/core"

const mqtt = new ds.MQTTClient()

await mqtt.uploadJson('jacdac','') // topic:string, json:string

uploadBinary(topic:string, bytes:Uint8Array)

Upload a binary message to the cloud.

import * as ds from "@devicescript/core"

const mqtt = new ds.MQTTClient()

await mqtt.uploadBinary('jacdac',Uint8Array) // topic:string, bytes:Uint8Array


onJson([topic:string, json:string])

Upload a JSON-encoded message to the cloud.

mqtt.onJson.subscribe(async (json:[topic:string,json:string]) => {

onBinary([topic:string, payload:Uint8Array])

Emitted when cloud send us a binary message.

mqtt.onBinary.subscribe(async (json:[topic:string,payload:Uint8Array]) => {


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