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Hello There

· 4 min read
Riven Yang

Exploring the Genesis of Innovation

We are Kittenbot, a hardware company deeply invested in the field of STEM education. Over the past year, we had the privilege of exploring Microsoft's invention of the Jacdac protocol and the DeviceScript language. Delving into these innovations, we became convinced that the optimal application for DeviceScript lies within PC peripherals. This realization not only marked the beginning of a new journey in product innovation for us but also illuminated a path that integrates modern technology with user needs. We identified an opportunity to create a mechanical keyboard that not only aligns with the ethos of STEM education but also meets everyday usability requirements. This idea ignited our team's creativity, propelling us into the design and development of a brand-new, expandable mechanical keyboard.

Our Design Philosophy: The Software-Defined Keyboard

At the heart of our innovative approach lies a guiding principle: the creation of a software-defined keyboard. This philosophy is driven by our dedication to merging the realms of hardware customization with software flexibility. We envision a keyboard that transcends traditional physical constraints, offering users an unprecedented level of control and personalization. By harnessing the power of software, our keyboard transforms from a mere input device into a dynamic tool that adapts to the unique needs and preferences of each user.

In embodying this philosophy, we commit to a design that prioritizes innovation, adaptability, and individuality. Our goal is to craft a keyboard that not only meets the highest standards of professional performance but also offers extensive modularity through peripheral modules. Whether for gaming enthusiasts, developers, or designers, our software-defined keyboard opens up a world of possibilities, enabling users to tailor their experience to their specific demands and interests. This vision of a keyboard as a platform for customization and expansion is what sets our design apart, marking a new era in how we interact with our digital environments.


Features and Modular Overview

Our meticulously designed keyboard not only provides precise tactile feedback but also introduces a series of expandable modules. These modules effortlessly connect with the main body of the keyboard, offering additional functionalities and features. From enhanced audio control modules designed for audiophiles to macro key modules for programmers and gamers, and even quick-access social media keys for the digital socialite, each addition is crafted to allow users to customize their keyboard to match their personal needs and interests.


Continuous Iteration and Improvement

Our design process is an exploratory journey where we continuously iterate and refine our designs based on user feedback and new ideas. Each redesign is a testament to our commitment to perfection, striving not just to meet current user demands but to inspire possibilities. We are dedicated to an ongoing pursuit of innovation, ensuring our keyboard not only answers the needs of today but also anticipates the trends of tomorrow.

Looking to the Future

With the introduction of more module variants, our expandable mechanical keyboard will continue to evolve, offering an unmatched level of customization. We believe that this keyboard will enable every individual to find their unique expression, whether in work or play.

We are excited for you to join us on this journey with our newly designed expandable mechanical keyboard, to explore the limitless possibilities it brings. Join us in this innovation adventure, as we embark on a new era where technology meets personalization.

Invitation for Your Feedback

We warmly invite you to experience our mechanical keyboard and share your thoughts and suggestions with us. Your feedback is our greatest motivator for continuous progress and innovation. Stay tuned to our social media platforms for more updates, and join our community to exchange insights with fellow innovators.

Together, let's create the future.